Saturday, February 20, 2016

Ah, the Power of Positive Thinking! Is It Real or Imagined?

Many studies have been performed on "the power of positive thinking".  Does it help you become more successful in life?  Does it improve your health?  Can you simply think your way to good health and fitness?  The answer may seem less complicated than you have been led to believe.  Let us take a look at some things that people and scientists are saying about thinking positively.

Friday, January 15, 2016

How to Cut Fast Food Out of Your Diet

What is it about fast food that makes it so unhealthy?  Although I find the typical fast food burger to be unpalatable I have always believed that was because they consist of small, thin patties of low-quality meat served on over-thick, badly cooked white bread buns.  And the french fries are usually stale, bland, and mushy.  I don't understand why anyone would want to eat fast food anyway, but they do.  Well, here is some science that may help you cut fast food out of your diet, and we'll talk about some healthier alternatives that can help you satisfy your cravings.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Finally, a Reason for Everyone to be Concerned about Glutens

Nothing has been more overhyped in the food industry than the whole "gluten-free" concept.  Glutens are proteins found in some grains like wheat.  A very small percentage of the population, about 1 in 100 people, develops Celiac Disease, which makes them allergic to glutens.  Everyone else can eat glutens without much fear.  Or so we thought.  Now a new scientific study has shown that there is another population group at risk.

Monday, November 9, 2015

How Aviation Has Changed Our Lives

My father once said "only someone who flies would ever care about the airline industry".  He meant that when airlines were struggling to pay the bills he didn't care about them because he didn't fly.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Makings of a Delicious Salad

I'm in a salad mood today.  My favorite salad is not too heavy but I do enjoy eating a hearty salad meal.  Here is what I would put on a salad if I had everything to choose from.